Research Proposal V0.2 sent out

While writing a research proposal has felt like my boulder for the past half year, with every week it seems as though the end is finally in sight. With a major review coming in from my supervisor about a month ago, all comments are now incorporated to shape a proposal that I can say I’m proud of.

One of the main questions left open to me is that of publishing a reserach proposal – what are the chances of it being scooped if one uploads their proposal to a site such as Zenodo? I can’t think it would be that big right. Especially not with a research as applied as mine. While this discussion is ongoing, here a brief (non-detailed) overview of my research execution plan. (see the projects page for the introduction).

Four out of the total six years of my PhD track will be spent on case studies – several as of yet unknown locations within the Dutch Government. Here the goal is to primarily cooperatively design (semantic) authorization mechanisms in a kind of evolving prototype, all based on a generic architecture I will spend the coming half year drawing up. Secondary to this main line is a study of attitudes towards the research participants towards the ideas behind federated data, hoping to understand the factors that contribute to acceptance and innovation based on UTAUT (the Unified Theory for Acceptance and Use of Technology).

What I love about this setup is that it fills a niche in current knowledge regarding authorization, without having to compete in coding competitions with all the many smart computer scientists that are focused on these developments.

While details are still elusive at this point, more clarity will come during my time of solitude when performing my literature review over the coming weeks.

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